PhD (Marine Sciences), 2007–2012, University of Dar es Salaam; MSc (Management of Natural Resources and Sustainable Agriculture), 2000–2002, Sokoine University of Agriculture; BSc (Forestry), 1993–1996 Sokoine University of Agriculture, Tanzania
BSc Courses:
CR 202 Biology and Ecology of Mangroves.
OC 201 Climate Change and Variability I
OC 204 Climate Change and Variability II.
MSc Courses:
MR608 Marine Conservation Science.
MR601 Sustainable Utilization of Coastal and Marine Resource.
MR603 Applied Marine and Coastal Ecology.
MR615 Environmental Assessment for Marine Scientists.
Ecology and stress ecophysiology of mangroves and coastal forests: responses to climate change and related environmental and anthropogenic pressures; Socio-ecological studies on coastal ecosystems: understanding dynamics of ecosystem services, management and restoration, and livelihoods of dependent communities; Existence, management and socio-ecological impact of Marine Protected Areas